
Spring Is Here, and So Are the Baby Birds

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One sure sign of spring is a nest full of bird eggs.  We have one such nest made by house finches tucked in between the crook of the gutter and the wall under an overhang of the house.  Allison discovered the nest when there were 6 eggs in it, and then a few days later she saw that one baby bird had hatched.  Of course the kids were thrilled.

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They kept checking back and finding one more baby bird until they were all hatched.

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They discovered they could see the nest from our kitchen window!


*Update*  Click here to see a later post about the baby house finches.

Here are some other signs of spring.  These photos were taken by Allison at Grandpa and Grandma’s house.

Cherry Blossoms

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White and Pink Dogwood

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15 thoughts on “Spring Is Here, and So Are the Baby Birds

  1. I should mention how much I am enjoying your blog posts.=) I really love your pictures – your counters look full of fun. =) Glad to see that I am not the only who lets their kids do that. lol

    We love nature study here, too! How fun to see the birds up close like that. We also have a red-headed house finch couple who keep landing on our front door wreath – I can’t see a nest, but it has to be somewhere close. Please keep us posted on the growing babies!

    1. The kids will make sure I keep posting updates, I’m sure. 🙂 Have you checked to make sure there’s not a nest actually in your wreath? We had a house finch build her nest right in among the silk flowers of our front door wreath two years ago! We had fun watching the babies that time, too, but the wreath was a mess by the time the birds flew, so I just threw it out. Thanks for stopping by and saying Hi!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! They look a little more blue in the picture than they actually were in real life. I’m sure they’re not robin eggs, because we see a female house finch (little, streaked, brown bird) coming and going from the nest often. She sits on the eaves and scolds us when we are peering into the nest. 🙂 (I make sure my kids don’t touch!) We’ll keep watching, maybe we can post a picture of them when they’re ready to fly the nest.

      1. Well, it is very interesting to see from eggs, chicks and then old enough to take off! You can take pictures of the parent birds so we know what kind of birds are they. 🙂

        Nice photos! It is good lesson for kids to learn too!

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